What people are saying about The 8 Secrets to Elder-friendly Improv Games: Adapt, Guide & Get Paid! workshop

[Why a rating of 10/10?] Even though I had difficulty signing up, Paula reached back to me and sorted out the challenges which I consider excellent customer service. The program held lots of good information and respected the time frame.

Lisa K.

[Biggest takeaway] Loved the exercise adaptation breakout groups. Folks really had some great ideas. The collaboration was invaluable. I even learned a new game!

Alyssa G.

[Biggest takeaway] Confidence that I don’t need to overcomplicate it, I already have the tools – now I’ve got a framework to sense check that.

Kathryn K.

[Why a rating of 10/10?] The foundational understanding for the needs of the elder population and applied improv! This is a great baseline education for us.

Richard P.

[Why a rating of 10/10?] Just that rubric alone was worth a 10! A very valuable tool for facilitating work with differing populations.

Alyssa G.

[I] loved the post zoom conversation with ideas on how to work with people with dementia.

Daesha F.

Very enjoyable, informative and innovative. I can’t wait to learn more.
Robin L.

The tips on how to modify games for an older audience were excellent.
Steve D.

[Why a rating of 10/10?] Depth of information and outstanding presentation.

Chris B.

What people are saying about the How to be a Senior Improv Games Superstar: Get Paid to Play in the Senior Living Market two-part virtual training

[You were] very generous with the information structuring – also very practical advice so everything was relevant and authentically delivered. Rich detail and well-organized – I was getting practitioner tools. My biggest takeaway was the rigor and preparation required to facilitate seniors through inspiring experiences.

Richard P.

I appreciate the practical points and the importance of post-workshop communication. My biggest takeaway was that such a program is as worthwhile for me as for the participants.

Cheryl S.

The biggest takeaway from this event for me was the step-by-step way you approached the process. [It] helped us consider all aspects of what we may potentially face. THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR LEARNINGS!!!!!! This was a very well-structured and presented workshop!!

Chris B.

Absolutely loved and highly valued this session!

Kathryn K.

What seniors are saying about the Vintage Improvisation Detroit ‘Smart Games & Grins!’ senior improv games program

[Today I learned…] To listen closely to others’ suggestions.

Suzanne G.

[Today I learned…] That dementia clients can do it their way.

Judye K.

[Today I learned…] That I can be spontaneous.


[Today I learned…] To better communicate with my peers.

Bobby K.

[Today I learned…] How much I missed laughing.


[Today I learned…] New ways of opening up in a group.


[Today I learned…] I enjoyed the show, esp. the improvisation.


[What made me smile was…] How funny all of us looked.

Suzanne G.

[What made me smile was…] Just being in a group & laughing.

Barb B.

[What made me smile was…] Watching people have fun.


[What made me smile was…] Happy-smiling faces.


[What I want Paula to know…] This was the most enjoyable day I’ve had in a long time.


[What I want Paula to know…] This was great! Masks make it really challenging but you made it great! TY!

Mary B.

[What I want Paula to know…] Her expertise is appreciated.


[What I want Paula to know…] I hope she comes back.

Carol C.

[What I want Paula to know…] We all need to have fun & smile.


[What I want Paula to know…] It made me open to others.

Nora O

[What I want Paula to know…] Well done. Non-threatening.


Senior Improv Games

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